Not too sure why my finished wedding website is no longer up. Will check with my husband he may know something about it. Regardless not critical that it be up anymore we have been happily married for a while now anyways:P
thinking should include thumbnails in layout . However not on the home page since it will get to busy:P This is page for photos (one of)
A slightly different version of last one with some differences to see what option is stronger.
Trial_Colour and slight layout change
Think this is much much better, Happy with this. Think will use it for one of my final pages. Also the colours feel alot mrore wedding and appropriate for our wedding.
Trying something a little different. Thought was that gradient would make it look more weddingy however is a bit too pinky purple/girly for me, may still keep black dominetly however this does have a diff essence about it
home page, don't feel its interesting enough think it needs something
a different option with same motif and colours to see if best to make difference to other page more obvious or not.
A slightly different change of position of motif very suttile
home page trial trying to keep look similar enough to other page. Also have some room for text although not sure if have any text not sure if its needed in this case
Another choice to choose from colour wise
another diff option of green
Another colour option for final
colour combos continued
think will use this colour scheme as well as the pinky one (2 pages colour sorted! for 100%!
another colour option
Now that have picked which layout thumbnail going to go with. Trying out some different colours to use throughtout site
trying a different motif, but I think i will stick with the other one since thats my fav one. Also I pref the thumbnail before this one layout/placement wise
Another one, I like this version not sure if fav or not but def a fav
and another one
slight variation of the last with different placement and colour
Trying something else to the same basic layout
Continuation of trials
changing colours and adding a couple differnt touches
another varation of it. Not 100% sure about the red
another option same as last option but with a bit of difference. Choosing to play around with this layout since I think I will 99% stick with this for final however not sure if i want effect like this or plain.
Another trial, kind of happy about this one. My husband suggested that perhaps I should add some motifs etc, I will look into it deepending on time not much of it left
a different option not sure about the top part still looks like may need something
Layout Trials_Sceen thumbnails
Feel like finally getting somewhere. But wonder if I should try a couple different options before picking for sure what my layout and colours are going to be.
Getting much better much happier with this option
Another option
all kind of similar somewhat since based on paper thumbnails and research choices picked
another quick layout trial
Quick layout trial
will scan in paper layout thumbnails later. Quick layouts done in photoshop
Wedding site example that thought are strong. Various colour combos and layouts etc
same page as previous but slide kind of show that changes by itself
The website is done by a friend of ours E.Hopkins, who is a qualified web deigner serving now at the bahai world centre in haifai. Thought it was a strong design and therefore appropriate to include as example of design website layouts etc. Once again colour and image treatment as well as layout are all strong elements in the design making it a sucessful website.
option on home page to click and bring up another pg, giving you a closer look at image
The use of photography/image is very strong in the below example.( Even though I have only choosen the pages with the same kind of colour / look, the website did include other images with lots of various colours but were all still compostionally strong and had the same essence about them.
Thought what was great about this website was the fact that the main image changed every minute (maybe less) and when you put your cusor over the boxs at bottom you will get a diff image in the square one. Neat and the layout looks easy to follow.
Personally I really like this layout because its so simple but yet interesting with the use of many images
Research_ Book ref
This and the next few examples are from book from cpit: DesignAnnual 2003
Very clear that this page belongs to the same website with the layout as well as identical treatment and placement of nav bars etc
The page after home page. Very slight difference but is enough to know that you are in a new area of site with use of text colours
Research_Home page
Home page from Lutz website after loading page
Loading page of when you first enter site address, animation/flash. This site as well as the are sites I found looking at book web design index 7. Reall great book
Its very obvious to tthe viewer that this page and the one below are inthe same category/subheading because of use of colours links the together nicely
Whats also neat about this website is the fact that the image isn't just there straight from the beginning Bit of animation and the image reveals itself as you click on the page to view:)
The Site has used colour in a very effective system throughout the site and sets the pages apart but still unity in whole site together.
Looking at another page from the same website. Analysing Similarities and differences as well as their treatment of space/layout. Nice and Clean and Structured.
another screen caputred page for same website
Very similar layout and colours but still has own uniqueness/difference to the page
Digigraph website screen capture continues
Looking at colour choices and font type faces and how they work together on the pg/site
Resarch_Analysing design link page looking at styles / layout through out mutliple web pages on same website
Just thought I should make a moment about the website address below: I found a really great ref book at Scorpio books today that included many examples of webpage designs and included their website! Was considering on purchasing it but was out of price range at moment. However think may save up for it because I'm sure it will be very useful as ref and school work/inspirations/good design examples:P
Another option. Kind of like this as well but feel doesn't link enough visually to the other pages of the website.
home page trials continued
think this one is stronger with the images. Think it will work better for children as well since more colourful
Home page trials
was thinking of just having text on home page, but prob not such a good idea, looks real boring esp since its the page that need to get at least a little bit of interest to keep looking at other pages of the site.
contact page
I know its very simple and not much detail but that is what i was going for, since this page is only if anyone is interested in contacting, also it is generally the very last page most people look at so shoud be alright.
final_persian webpage
putting it all together, not a 100% about the font text for the persian word in english, try a couple more an then I will decide, however I do like this so may end up staying with this anyways
Trial_Slight varation
looking at if should change the block colours slightly under the image for diff webpage, or if like the one below should keep same as the chinese page one. Will have to make up my mind before class would be best
Trial _Different Tab_web page of site
for the other webpage, different images and considering if colour blocks (under) should be kept consitent as chinnese page or should they be different?
Trial (think final)
I think this one works the best, still colourful but not to bright so appeals abit more to personal taste also as well:P Think this would be it most likely 95 percent sure that this is the one for my website
Trial contiued
Another version varation of very much the same thing. this appeals o my personal taste more than the colourful one, so definetly a possiblity for final one however still considering the other two at this stage.
trials continued
considering this one since its very colourful and kids prefer colour as far as I know. However still like the other option earlier as well will make up my mind soon:P
Trials con't images included
slightly different layout/factors/direction
Trials layout inc images
trying to see what it will look like with less images and slightly different factors. I think this one think it works for what i want to achieve.
Trial images con't
what it will look like with the words in chinnese. but like i said prob have less images per web page, think its ok not great but ok esp for kids
Trial inc images
too many images makes it look like an fruit/veg website reduce the number of images per web page will help hopefully
Persian page
Screen layout
Chinese page
Screen layout
Home page trial
background trial (another)
another trial background
Screen layout
Another homepg Trial
Another Screen Trial_Home pg
Screen Layout
Trial Thumbnails
Quick Layout
Quick Thumbnails
layout from on paper trials. (did not scan in all pages because you get the idea from a few pages of what the process was, should hopefully be enough. These thumbnails were done mostly after looking at various websites.
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