Sunday, September 16, 2007

Regards to images etc

Just thought before I hit the sack and start the new week tomorrow would mention a couple of things with regards to this project regarding images etc.
I have taken all the images that planning on using in the website besides the background images for the persian design and chinese background image as mentioned in an earlier posting.
I with the permission of the manger of countdown in church corner took my digital camera and took images in their produce section. It was certainly in experience, lucky that they allowed it in the end!:P as i really needed the images for Graphics project too. I also took some images at woolworths bush inn under the conditon that the manger accompany me and check out the images I was taking, that was certainly strange to have some one follow you around, dunno what was top secret about it all, but maybe thats just me:P Still grateful that they both allowed me to take the images, it does feel rather good to be know you own the images and that they are not borrowed guess it will be a good practice to try and get into before hittting the real industy fields down the line.

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