Thursday, September 20, 2007

Comments about my finished website

I'm happy with the look/systle of my website. I think it works well for what I wanted to achieve. The only thing that I feel like I would like to concentrate on next time a I do a website again in dreamweaver is to make it a little more interactive.

However for this current language website, I was not aiming to make it too interactive. It been the first time ever of attempting to use dreamweaver. Feeling in the beginning especially feeling a little over whelmed with the whole process and therefore more than happy to have a very simple website which would function and work accordingly!

I do feel that I know dreamweaver much much better now than I did in the beginning.

The only other thing I think I should mention is that I am aware that there is probably a couple of files in my website folder that shouldn't be there since I did not use them. However I thought it better to play it safe then sorry, and left them there so that i won't accidently get ride of something that needs to be there. I probably could spend some time and work out which ones they are but feeling a bit all over the place at moment, it being end of term and all. So better not to mess with it at this point:P


Really pleased that I was able to complete it and put it on the server today (thursday) specially since I frequenly found that I was complicating things for myself at times with dreamweaver:P
I think it was very benefical getting the time off work and going in and sitting in the foundation class. Having a bit more time dedicated to doing the website.

I'm feeling much better able dreamweaver now. However would like to do it at least 1-2 more times until I can truly say I understand fully and even then I'm sure there will always be updates to software etc that would need to keep upto date with.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Aims (internal dialogue)

Aim is to get as much as done as possible today so that tomorrow it will hopefully be only touch ups and checking technical things etc (maybe a little optomestic)
Would be great if I can get it all done and hand in on system by end of tomorrow (thursday) so that Friday don't have to worry about it (again prob a bit too optomestic but who knows maybe not as optomestic as much as I think hopefully:P)

Need to Know:

Need to find if there is a year 2/year 3 web page page could do as part of degree that doesn't have animation as a pre-req?
I know there is 2 different Digital 4
Is one of the Digital4 subjects just web page, or is webpage and animation always combined/one subject?

Getting thought/stuff out of head. (internal dialogue)

Lucky that I was able to get out of work thursday morning, so that i could attend some extra help class with dreamweaver. As I feel I would really benefit from some extra aid esp now that the pressure is to get it done and complete for the friday deadline. Bad or good (hopefully not to dreadful:P) I will hand it in on friday since deadline is a DEADLINE after all.

I think probably after I have done this project and perhaps used dreamweave for another 1 or 2 projects/wesites, I think I may actually really enjoy web design.
I'm hoping at would be the case since the industry is such that you really do need to know both print and web design in most cases to even get a opportunity.

Must comment on: Persian text

I had to include in my blog that it was a major headache finding the persian words especially since my persian is so limited and have only had 2 months schooling (persian) and it was a mission just reading the words and making sure they were what I wa after.
The other major headache/brick wall was once found the words then process of getting them to actually read right/look like ---had to find font that would do the trick, downloaded a font for use and then so that I could also open it on school computers changed it to paths/shape in photoshop. It took a really long time all this but I think it paid of visually:) just so glad only had to do 3 words that are in persian or else!:P

Monday, September 17, 2007

Decision: persian page etc

Decided that for the persian page going to go with the small caps for the persian words in english so that its more in keeping with the other page: Chinnese one, I know the attached version is small so not going to bother about attaching another very similar version with only the font change:P
Feel that the Chinese page and the persian page are now complete! Finally!:) at least the photoshop version is anyways.

Today's Aims

Thought this would be helpful to get down my aims before I get started for the day: Aim is to complete 100% the persian and Chinnese pages which are like 95 % there already.
To put in the information I want in contact page as well as figure out what I will be putting in the home page. At this stage I think both the contact page and the home page are not going to have a lot of data esp the contact page. However still need to sort out in my head and on screen a few things with regards to the home page. Like if I want any images at all? if yes how many images? What text do I need to include in the home page for people to understand the website? so aim is to get it all done and sorted in photoshop before class.
Would really love to get cracking with Dreamweaver to actually do the website (from my ready layout design in photoshop)

Update/Summary for myself

Have made decision with regards to the Persian and Chinese page website, planning on keeping contact tab minimal. However a little confused on what to have on my home page at the moment and I really need to sort it out asap. But for now I think I will sleep on it.


Now my plan is to before class tomorrow to make a decision about which one of the 3 choices I considering to do for final and load the other images and texts that I need to in photoshop so that hopefully in class I can concentrate only on Dreamweaver and getting this thing done once and for all. It took me a long time to get my head around even blog seeing as never ever did one before or even visiting an blog site before:P

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Aim_Plan and questions

My Aims for tonight are to get all my layouts for all 4 pages complete as much as possible so that tomorrow can consentrate on trying to get my head around dreamweaver and actually making a website, would be really great if can get it all down and complete before the dealine on friday.
Tonights aim is to include all the images going to use and possibly a few of the words going to use as well if not all so that don't to think tomorrow about what I'm going to write in terms of contents. Content is not going to be that much because its prodomiently aimed for a younger audience as well as people who are more interested in picking up/learning a few new words in a different language as suppose for lots of text.

There are a few questions that I need to ask with regards to taking my photoshop layout files into dreamweaver
eg: do they need to be in layers or flatten image first?
I know you have to save for web but while in layers or when their flattened image?
Do I need to type in dreamweaver (text) or can I just use the type I created in photoshop?
As you can clearily see dreamweaver is still very new in my mind and will need some time in actually trying to get it right, so that can have a functioning website:P

Regards to images etc

Just thought before I hit the sack and start the new week tomorrow would mention a couple of things with regards to this project regarding images etc.
I have taken all the images that planning on using in the website besides the background images for the persian design and chinese background image as mentioned in an earlier posting.
I with the permission of the manger of countdown in church corner took my digital camera and took images in their produce section. It was certainly in experience, lucky that they allowed it in the end!:P as i really needed the images for Graphics project too. I also took some images at woolworths bush inn under the conditon that the manger accompany me and check out the images I was taking, that was certainly strange to have some one follow you around, dunno what was top secret about it all, but maybe thats just me:P Still grateful that they both allowed me to take the images, it does feel rather good to be know you own the images and that they are not borrowed guess it will be a good practice to try and get into before hittting the real industy fields down the line.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

About screen layout trials

Almost there with regards to final directions of website layout. I have got the main styling factor
You can see from the attached images that the one that had to do the most thinking and playing aorund with interms of background was for the home page.
Seeing as Persian and Chinnese background were easier that is faster in making style chooses.
I also did a trial on screen with having only flat colour background for the home page, but felt that it wasn't in keeping withe the other two pages as well as looking very boring for a home page especially. Seeing that is the first page anyone sees when visiting a website.

For the Chinnese Background I scanned in my Chinnese Dress which my husband got me for 19th birthday and ironically no longer fits:P

For the Persian Background I scanned in paper design that I brought from the drawing room a few months ago.

For the home page background I tried out different paper background and mostly a few of my acryclic painting textures that I did for my graphics as well as general drawing.

Now: have to actually bring the other elements to it togehter like the images and the words etc should be fun hopefully won't get to carried away trying out too many things out:)

And now:

I am now more than content with my range of research examples looking at for design and inspirations. Now for the hard part: going back a couple of stages and doing some thinking and reconsiderations of layouts for my website.
Think before I go back into Photoshop will spend abit of time again on paper to get a stronger design down for my website.
Few Quick Thumbnail layouts to do before hitting the screen
Hopefully will be able to upgrade the look will still keeping it very simple and basic esp since contents is also basic and not alot of it on purpose.
Since it can be overwhelming learning lots of new words in a new language or 2 in this case.
Seeing as I can not write persian I probably will only have the english writing on how to say the word in persian. However for Chinnse would like to have the characters down as part of design.

Research & Links

I have now created links to pretty much most of the websites that I use often for some reason or another. So now if I want to I can just go to my blog and click on the links as suppose to trying to remember what address is for each:P

Also now I have created links (research) only to websites that I got the website from design books and mags, so that I know they are considered good things to be looking at. Seeing as there is many websites on the web that layout wise are not so hot.

Most created links in research section to companies that I know are good in their creative fields thus should also have good website designs!
However there is a couple of links that I have included simply because I liked them for some reason or another.

Hopefully in time my list of websites (research) will be growing with more and more good examples of designs for web and possibly even print.


Was just thinking that inorder to make the website a little more interactive.
Could have the Persian worlds/Chinnese words come up when you place your curser over the image of choice.
Couple reasons not sure if I want to do that for sure is one technical side of it, still not that comfortable with websites but I'm sure I will get over in time.
The other reason not sure how well it will work for younger children who may not have the patience or understanding of what is happening with that yet or maybe I'm just analysing a bit too much dunno.
Regardless of what I end of deciding, its probably crusioul now to make some decisions and stick when them at this stage of the game.

About trials

I have included in my blog now a number of my layout trials that I did in photoshop for my language(word) website.

I have only done one page layouts as suppose as the 3-4 planned pages, since it will act like a template for the rest design wise etc.

They are probably a bit too simple and basic and need more design elements/better system
Aim is for today is to get my layout completly out of the way!
I think I will probably benefit from doing some online research ie looking at some good website examples that can perhaps help inspire and/or influence my look for the website.

Once I have found some example then I may list them here in my blog so that it won't be playgarasim at least not on purpose anyways:P
Topic choosen from brief: Words
Target: Children and people interested in learning another language
Basic has a focus of learning some Fruits/Vegs names in different lanuages since that is my choosen topic for Graphics4 this term and want this to link to that project.
Its going to be basic for couple of reasons, because mostly learning anything new can be a challenge especially learning a new language.
The site will still require parental guidence for young children.
Trying to keep the site simple and stupid as advised:P