Monday, July 23, 2007


Since this is to be our workbook, Its probably only appropriate that I brainstorm here.

Options thinking about focusing on/choosing from list off brief: Blue, Words, Speed or Law.
Clearly have a bit of thinking to do before picking one:P

General ideas playing around in my head. Although not sure at this stage if any actually fit the brief.

have an interactive learning language aid website, eg could be that your learning, English, Chinnese and or Persian, it would be a base place the cursor over the object/sense and it will come up with the word that is for that particuar thing.
The website could also include quiz testing general knowledge with regards to that language or culture. I think if I do this it would also fit in with my Graphics4 subject so they can interlink a little. Thinking English, Persian and Chinese because they are langauages that I have more assess to and trying to learn/improve on.

or could have like a website dedicated to feed the giant or/some creature, knowledge so you could basically feed your creature words that you wanted to learn. (this idea may be better as an flash movie not to sure how effective it will be as a website idea)

Could do something with the emotin of being Blue. Need to expand on this if I want to pursue it.
or maybe could have like an object for example a blue ice block turn everything it passes blue could have it enter like a town called Redvillee where it happens to 'accidently' turn it blue.

Side Note: some of these ideas may be best not as web sites but flah movies? however at this stage just getting my ideas down

Side Note: maybe should have a flick though some of my photo albums/travel photos to see if there is anything there that may spark any ideas.

Side Note: Perhaps do an outline portfolio and somehow fit it on the brief:P maybe pushing it abit.

Blue: Obvious things/settings that come to mind are: Ocean/beaches, Clouds/Skies could all be elements in the website if doing subject Blue.

Have a website for Travel, see the sights but can be very dark, for sick people who like to visit the sights of where tragic horrific things have happened in the past, can just be ficitonal otherwise may get to groseed out myslelf, so like can be for example here the serial killer massacured 12 blind children at noon on a sunday sunny afternoon. Basicaly hings that are clearly black and white. I guess the only area this would fit under the brief would probably be someones altra ego, but have to check this out to make sure that it fits if going to purse this idea.

General Note:
Think it may be good to include a poll type table perhaps in whatever website I decide to go with. Since that generally makes it more interesting for me when I look at just browsing the internet. (have charts to demonstrate points even if they are just made up for the sake of it being more informative and possible interactive) Having a poll that people can take part in probably best since then its interactive but it will still somewhat deepend on what the website is.

Think would like to do:
Home page
3 other webpages - could be more but think should at least have 3
Comments page (maybe) just so people can interactwith the website and have a say.

Total = 4 or 5 at least number of webpages.

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